15 Jun WOD- Saturday, June 16
8:30 am Lite N Tite
10 min AMRAP
50/40 cal bike
Db curtis P’s for reps
Rest 3 min
10 min AMRAP
60/50 cal row
8 burpees onto plate
8 plate G2OH
Rest 3 min
10 min AMRAP
Run 1200m
Ring MU/ Burpee pull-ups for reps for reps
9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit
With a 26 min running clock for Part A and Part B:
Part A:
Granite Games Qualifier #2 (12 min cap)
20-2 Wall Balls (20/14)
10-1 Toes-2-bar
(WB decrease by 2 reps)
At the 16 min mark begin part 2:
Part 2:
10 min for max weight at this BB Complex:
Clean + hang clean + front squat
(can be squat or power cleans)
See the weekly program skeleton HERE.
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