Free Trial Class FAQ

What is the purpose of the Free Trial Class?

The purpose of the class is to introduce new athletes to CrossFit methodology in a safe, fun, and inclusive environment. Our Coach will:

  1. Welcome you to our community
  2. Encourage introductions between Athletes
  3. Review the CrossFit methodology
  4. Do an extensive warm-up 
  5. Assess your individual level of mobility and fitness
  6. Jump into the day’s workout (scaled appropriately for your fitness level)
  7. Catch your breath
  8. Review next steps for onboarding and becoming one of our Athletes
  9. Show you how to purchase an onboarding (“Elements”) membership

Is the Free Trial really “Free”?

Absolutely. We want potential Athletes to experience our space and community. There’s no obligation. We ask you to commit one hour of your time to the class. We are ALL IN on our methodology and the results our Athletes get speak for themselves. You should definitely do your homework and check out several gyms to see which environment and fitness methodology is right for you.

What should I do to prepare for my Free Trial Class?

  1. Honor the commitment. Make this a priority on your calendar.
  2. Get a good night’s sleep.
  3. Don’t go out drinking the night before.
  4. Eat a solid, nutritious meal no closer than 2 HOURS before class.
  5. Hydrate.
  6. Wear comfortable athletic clothing and footwear.
  7. If you have a friend who’s also CrossFit-curious, encourage them to join you!
  8. Email Coach Rachel with any additional questions or concerns.

I heard CrossFit is really intense. Is the workout going to be hard?

The workout will challenge you, but our Coach will make sure to scale appropriately to meet you where you’re at in your fitness level. The beauty of CrossFit is that it’s infinitely scalable. For example, you may not be able to do a strict pull-up. That’s totally OK and expected. You can scale to a jumping pull-up, a banded pull-up or ring rows. You can change the incline of your ring rows to make them more/less challenging. You may not be able to do a strict push-up, let alone 20 in a row. That’s OK and expected. You can scale to push-ups from the knees, push-ups on a box, limit your range of motion, use a band for assistance, even do push-ups on the wall. Our Coach is equipped with all possible scaling options to make sure you develop your fitness while also being able to safely completed the workout. 

Also, you will not be doing any complex barbell or gymnastics movements. Those movements are only accessible to our Athletes in regular classes, after they complete the Elements onboarding process and test out with a Coach. Even then, most Athletes perform workouts with significant modifications and under careful coach supervision.

What if something comes up and I need to reschedule my class?

Let Coach Rachel know right away and we’ll accommodate a reschedule.

Can I attend more than one Free Trial?

After your Free Trial class, Group Elements or Private Elements will be the best way to develop your fitness. It’s time to move past the basics and dive into the mechanics of the foundational movements of CrossFit. 

What’s the difference between Group and Private Elements?

Group Elements

Regularly scheduled at both of our locations. You’ll learn the ropes in a supportive small group setting (< 6 athletes). Perfect for people who are more confident in their fitness, and for whom the set schedule works out. You can take up to four classes per week, for the span of an entire month. If you did that, you’d re-visit each movement focus 4 times, conceivably taking up to 16 classes in one month. That’s a great deal by itself ($14/class), but also an excellent opportunity to fully prepare for your test-out and for joining regular classes.

Private Elements

Four 1:1, 1-hour classes with a Coach. Personal, private training, with all attention completely focused on you. Flexible times – you agree on a schedule individually with the Coach. A great option for those needing more guidance in their fitness, those with less flexible schedules, or simply those who prefer an individual training environment.