SKILL: Rowing Mechanics 3 Sets, 10 Strokes Each -Legs Only -Legs + Body -Full Stroke *Keep Under 20 S/M STRENGTH: Wendler Deadlift Week 2 % Based On 90% of 1 Rep Max 70% X 3 80% X 3 90% X Max Reps WOD: 1K Row For Time FINISHER: 3 Sets 1 MIN Plank 25 Flutter Kicks 1 MIN Handstand Hold See updated week programming...

STRENGTH/SKILL: 4 X 3 TGU Each Side Super Set 4 X 5 Seated Box Jumps @ High WOD: 30/24 Cal Bike 25 Wall Balls 30/20 Rest 2MIN Repeat X 3 *Each Round For Time See updated week programming skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account?...

STRENGTH: Wendler Strict Press Week 2 % Based on 90% of 1 Rep Max 70% X 3 80% X 3 90% X Max Reps SKILL: Muscle Up Progressions (12MIN) WOD: 7 MIN AMRAP 7 Bar Muscle Ups /10 Burpee Pull-ups 7 Power Clean 155/115 LV2: 135/95 LV1: 95/65 See updated week programming skeleton HERE. Log your scores...

Strength: Wendler Back Squat-Wk 2 % based on 90% of 1RM 70% x 3 80% x 3 90% x Max reps WOD: "Dubai CrossFit Qualifier 18.1A" 60 Double Unders 10 Thrusters, 110/80 lbs 60 Double Unders 20 Thrusters, 110/80 lbs 60 Double Unders 30 Thrusters, 110/80 lbs Lv1: 65/45, 120 single unders Lv2: 90/60, 30 DU *10 min CAP* For every...

Strength: Alternating-6 rds (12 min) 30 sec max Ring dips 30 sec rest 30 sec max Chin-ups (strict) 30 sec rest WOD: For Time Row 1000m 50 Burpees to a 6" target Row 1000m Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill,...

Shoulder Pain Seminar with Dr. Joe today at 11:30am! Click here for details. 8:30 am Lite N Tite Skill: Rope Climbs 1 min max RC/ 1 min rest- 4x Lv3: legless Lv2: with legs Lv1: rope walks Partner WOD: 1200M run 80 DB DL 40 OH DB Lunge 800m run 60 DB DL 30 OH DB...

STRENGTH: 3 X 8 Tempo KB/DB Front Squats (30X01) * Single or Double Rack 3 X 100' Sled Push *Rest 3 MIN Between WOD: 18 MIN AMRAP 250M Row 25 Single Arm DB Box Step-Over 24/20, 50/35 50 DU/ 100 Singles 25 T2B See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't...

STRENGTH: Wendler Deadlift (25MIN) Week 1 % based on 90% of 1 Rep Max 65% X 5 75% X 5 85% X Max Reps WOD: "AMANDA" 9-7-5 Ring Muscle-up Squat Snatch 135/95 *12 MIN CAP LV2: 95/65 LV1: 75/55 See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here...

WOD: 30 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 10/8 Cal Bike MIN 2: 100’ Front Rack Carry 53/35 MIN 3: 12 Hang Power Cleans 75/55 MIN 4: 15 Push-ups MIN 5: 18 Sit-ups/ RX+ 9 GHD Sit-ups MIN 6: Rest See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB...

STRENGTH: Wendler Strict Press (12MIN) Week 1 % Based on 90% of 1 Rep Max 65% X 5 75% X 5 85% X Max Reps WOD: “Jackie” 1000M Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull-Ups *12 MIN CAP LITE N' TITE SKILL/STRENGTH Build up to heavy TGU WOD 1: 1k row for time 5 MIN REST WOD 2: 21-15-9 DB Push Press Box Jumps 24/20 See...