WOD: 20MIN EMOM MIN 1: 12 Burpee Over Bar MIN 2: 10 Power Cleans 95/65 RX+: 115/75 LV2: 75/55 LV1: 65/45 See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide free access to this...

SKILL: 15MIN Handstand Play - Wall walk - HS Hold - Box HS Walk Around - Shoulder Taps - Partner Balance - Partner Walk w/ pvc WOD: 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 400M Run 20ft HS Walk/ 4 Wall Walks 25 Walls Balls 20/14 30 Sit-Ups *30MIN CAP See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a...

WOD: CrossFit Games Open 11.2 Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of: 9 Deadlifts 155/100 lbs 12 Hand Release Push-ups 15 Box Jumps 24/20 Learn more about the program plan HERE See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account?...

WOD: 21 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 10 Back Squats 135/95 MIN 2: 10/8 Cal Bike MIN 3: 45 Sec Plank RX+: 155/135 LV2: 115/85 LV1: 95/65 Cool Down: 200M walk 2 MIN Couch stretch each side 2 MIN Foam roll quads Lite N' Tite 5 Rounds: 400m Run 20 Russian Twists 15 DB Hang Power Clean 5 Man Makers...

STRENGTH: 15 MIN CLOCK Pause Split Jerk 6 X 2 *1 Sec pause in dip. Be sure to not re dip after pause. WOD: 20/15 Cal Row 15 S2OH 135/95 20/15 Cal Row 10 S2OH 155/105 20/15 Cal Row 5 S2OH 185/125 LV2: 95/65, 135/95, 155/105 LV1: 75/55, 95/65, 135/95 *Sub 15/12 Cal Bike if rower not available. See week...

STRENGTH: 10 MIN E2MOM 3 Power Cleans *Start at 70% and build *Not touch n go Into, 6 MIN EMOM Squat Clean *Start with weight of last power clean and increase. WOD: CrossFit Team Series Event 1 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of: Synchronized bar-facing burpees See week program skeleton HERE. Log your...

CrossFit & Lite N' Tite “Pulling Kelly” 5 Rounds 400M Run 30 Box Jumps 24/20 30 Pull-ups * 32MIN Cap * Scale: 20 Box jumps/ 20 Pull-ups See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide...

STRENGTH: 15MIN Build to a mod/heavy 5 Rep Overhead Squat WOD: 20-1 Wall Balls 20/14 1-10 Power Snatch 135/95 LV2: 115/75 LV1: 95/65 * Reduce wall ball reps by 2 * Increase power snatch reps by 1 See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging...

WOD: 28MIN AMRAP - 15/12 Cal bike - 7/7 Uneven Lunges 70/53* - 35 DU - 25 Sit-ups - 1 MIN Rest *Hold KB in front rack with single arm and perform 7 lunges, then switch KB to opposite arm. See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a...

STRENGTH: Deadlift 5X3 (20MIN) (30x31) * 3 sec lower, 0 bottom, 3 sec up, 1 sec top WOD: 21-15-9 Deadlifts 185/155 9-6-3 Ring MU Lv1:135/95 Lv2:155/135 *Scaled 12-9-6 Burpee pull-up See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide...