Skill: Rowing Technique Strength: Deficit DL 3x8 40-50% WOD: Benchmark Test- 2k Row for time Finisher: 3 min hollow hold (accumulated) See UPDATED week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide free access to this tool...

Strength: E2MOM x 6 2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean WOD: Partner Offense/Defense- 3rds OFF: AMRAP 5 DL + 4 HPC + 3 FS DEF: 400m run Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3: 115/75 Finisher: Hamstring/ low back recovery See UPDATED week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't...

Strength: 5x5 Every :90 Strict press with banded kettlebells WOD: 15-12-9-6-3 -Burpees -T2B -Weighted Step ups 20” Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 50/35 Finisher: Filly press 3x8-10 *Why so light you say..? It is deload week from Wendler- in this time we will catch up on technique. We will be upping the weight...

Strength: Back Squat 3x3 w/ 2sec pause. Work with 40-60% of 1RM *no more. (12-15min) WOD: 14.1 open 10min AMRAP -30 Dubs -15 Power snatches 75/55 *Why so light you say..? It is deload week from Wendler- in this time we will catch up on technique. We will be upping the...

WOD: 28 min AMRAP -45 DU/ 135 singles -45 sec plank on hands -200m run -45 sec Front rack dbl KB hold (53/35) Goal: 7 rounds Finisher: 3 sets GHD situps x 15-25 Rotator cuff (external rotation) x15-20 See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging...

5 Year Anniversary Brunch Today from 10:15-12pm! Come WOD and stick around for mimosas, vegan protein waffles, sausage and stone fruit! We are celebrating being in the 175 location for 5 years! 8:30am LNT, 9:30 and 10:30 am Hero WOD: “Kalsu” 100 Thrusters for time with a 5 burpee...

Challenge of the Month test: Find 1 RM Turkish Get Up (12-15 min) WOD: 2 min on / 2 min off - 5rds 10 Box Jumps 24/20" 20 Air squats 80 ft Box push across floor C2B pull-ups for reps (should have ~40 sec for pull-ups) Scaled to 5/15 box jumps/air squats See...

Strength: Wendler Deadlift Wk 3 % based on 90% of 1RM 75% x 5 85% x 3 95% x max reps Accessory Strength: 3 sets not for time but for quality (25-30min) -12 Single arm dB row each on box/bench -10 banded glute bridges- (video) -Banded OH KB walks (video) -1 min hollow hold See week program...

Strength: 3 sets with light/empty bar: 3 Muscle SN 3 Snatch Balance 3 Sotts Press 6 min to work up to a working weight of Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS then, Every 2 min x 6 sets Snatch complex Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS WOD: 21-18-15-12 Hang DB Snatch (50/35) T2B 200m...

Strength: Wendler Push Press week 3 % based on 90% of 1RM 75% x 5 85% x 3 95% x Max Reps WOD: 5rds every 5 min: 15/12 Cal Row 10 Push-ups 12/10 Cal Bike 10 Burpees 25 DU 10 RKBS (70/50) Rest the remainder of the 5 min, and start over in the next interval 6pm Lite N...