Good Luck to Team Potrero Hill Bandits (Marciano, Danielle and Lauren) who are competing at Moxie Madness this weekend in Lodi! Strength A: 5 min to build Then E2 min x4 8 Strict Press 65-70% WOD: 4rds 5 DB Burpees 20 OH Walking Lunge w/MB 400m MB Carry To ensure safety and respect of...

Good Luck to Team Potrero Hill Bandits (Marciano, Danielle and Lauren) who are competing at Moxie Madness this weekend in Lodi! Strength A: 5 min to build then every 90 for 6 sets 3 Position Snatch Above knee, below knee, floor Strength B: 3 attempts to find 10 rep max...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. Hero WOD: “Moose” 1k Row Then, 10 rds 7 Bar Facing Burpees 3 Thrusters (95/65) Then Run 1200m PFC. Cody O. Moosman, 24, of Preston, Idaho, died July 3 2012, in Gayan Alwara Mandi, Afghanistan. Moosman...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. Skill: Drills- Tall Jerk, and short-step split jerk Strength: 3x6 Push Press 3x5 Push Jerk 3x3 Split Jerk WOD: 3 rounds 1 min to complete 6 Shoulder to Overhead buy-in Max effort Cal Row rest 1 min **Partner up on...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. Warm: 400 m run + dynamic stretches then, 2 min AMRAP- 3 rds 15/10 Cal Air Bike buy-in (1 min cap) DU for reps 1 min rest Partner up if necessary Strength: Every 2 min-...

To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding! Strength/Skill: Bar MU Drills then, Every 2 min for 12 min 3 Bar MU 10...

To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, We will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding! Strength: 5 min every 30 sec 1 Clean and Jerk then, 10 min...

To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding! Strength: Weighted Ring Push-ups 5x5 WOD: Offense/ Defense- teams of 4 Part one 2 ppl:...

To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding! Strength: Weighted Ring Push-ups 5x5 WOD: Offense/ Defense- teams of 4 Part one 2 ppl:...

To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding! 9:30 and 10:30 am Regular CrossFit Class Strength: 1 Snatch every...