To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding! WOD: Chipper for time 1 rd: Run 800m 15 Slurpees* 30 Wall-Balls 1 min...

To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding! WOD: WOD FIRST! CrossFit Open 11.1/14.1 10 min AMRAP 30 DU/ bar...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. Skill: kipping HSPU progressions WOD: 20 min AMRAP increasing ladder 2,4,6,8…. HSPU Pistols C2B Pull-ups Finisher: Couch Stretch and Lat smash on foam roller [standout-css3-button href=""]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. WOD: Every 3 min for 5 rods, Wall sit (hold) for 1 min + 200 m Sprint at 90 % Strength: Deadlift 8-8-8-8 (4 heavy sets of 8) Finisher: Back extensions 3x 10-15...

Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam's CrossFit Journey HERE. Test: Find 1 rep max Turkish Get Up WOD: For time Row 1k 50 Push-ups 30 OHS Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 Rest 3 min then, Finisher: Accumulate 2 min L-sit on parallettes 9am Lite N Tite Alt EMOM...

Strength A: 7 min to work up to a heavy set of 1 clean + 2 Front Squats then, Every 2 min for 6 sets 1 clean + 2 FS @ AHAP Lv1: 3 FS from rack Strength B: Alternating EMOM 10 -3 Strict Pull-ups AHAP -30 sec Hollow Hold WOD: 3 rds for...

WOD: “WOOD” 5 rounds for time of: 400 m Run 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 10 Thrusters Rest 1 min Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 (40 min cap) Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href=""]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill,...