Great job everyone who came to the Halloween Competition Yesterday! Sunday (today) should be your rest day. For everyone else: Strength: Work up to a heavy Snatch Pull (85-90% of 1 rep snatch) then perfom: Every 90 sec Snatch Pull 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Increase weight as desired. First set should be about...

When you arrive, please sign-up on the whiteboard in the division you will be competing so we can make heats. It is a potluck so bring food/ drinks to share. Can't wait to see your costumes! More details on our Facebook event page HERE. WOD...

Halloween partner competition tomorrow! It is a potluck so bring food/ drinks to share. Can't wait to see your costumes! More details on our Facebook event page HERE. Skill: Rolling Pistols progression -Candlestick roll -lower to candlestick on one foot, stand up on two feet -lower down on...

Wendler Deadlift *24 MIN Week 3 % Based On 90% of 1 Rep Max 75% X 5 85% X 3 95% X Max Reps French Throwdown 17.3 Qualifier 3 Rounds 500M row 20 T2B 5 Overhead Squats *15 MIN Time Cap RX 1st round : 135/95lb 2nd round : 155/105lb 3rd round : 175/115lb Scaled Level 2 1st round : 95/75lb 2nd...

STRENGTH PART A: Bench Press 5 X 5 DB Bench On Box 3 X 8-10 Max Unbroken Push-ups 1 Set *20 MIN STRENGTH PART B: Barbell Bent Over Row 3 X 8-10 Dual DB/KB Row 3 X 8-10 Face Pulls w/ Band 3 X 20 *20 MIN See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the...

STRENGTH: Wendler Strict Press Week 3 % Based On 90% of 1 Rep Max 75% X 5 85% X 3 95% X Max Reps *15MIN WOD: 12 MIN AMRAP 200M Run 50 Double Unders / 75 SIngles 10 Shoulder 2 Overhead 125/85 LV2: 115/75 LV1: 95/65 Lite N' Tite STRENGTH: 3 X 10-12 Weighted Push-ups 3 X 1 MIN Handstand Hold WOD: 12MIN AMRAP 200M...

STRENGTH: Wendler Back Squat *24MIN Week 3 % Based On 90% of 1 Rep Max 75% X 5 85% X 3 95% X Max Reps WOD: 5 Squat Cleans 185/135 10 Bar Muscle Ups / C2B Pull-ups 10 Squat Cleans 135/95 20 C2B Pull-ups / Pull-ups 20 Squat Cleans 95/65 30 Pull-ups / Ring Rows or Jumping PU *15...

WOD: 25 MIN EMOM - 12/10 Cal Row - :45 Handstand Push-Ups For Reps - 2-3 Rope Climbs - 80' Sled Push - 14 Kbs 53/35 See week program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide...

STRENGTH: Wendler Make-up *18-22MIN PARTNER WOD: 21-15-9 Synchro Bar Facing Burpees 50-40-30 Medball Sit-ups *200M Barbell Farmer Carry Between Each Round 185/135 **If all caught up with Wendler you will do, 3 X 10-12 DB Row Each Arm 3 X 6-8 Single Leg RDL LITE N' TITE STRENGTH: 3 X 10-12 DB Row Each Arm 3...

STRENGTH: SNATCH COMPLEX Every 2 MIN For 12 MIN 1 Snatch Deadlift + 2 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch *Build each set to a moderate/challenging complex. Strive to have no miss lifts! WOD: OFF/DEF X 3 O: 400M Run D: AMRAP 7 Box Jumps 24/20 7 Power Snatch 115/85 See week program skeleton...