Memorial WOD:
“Jacob Blake”
7 rounds for time of:
3 Burpee Tuck-Jumps
5 Deadlifts
8 Hand Release Push-ups
29 Air Squats
Lv1: 135/95
Lv2: 215/145
Lv3: 255/185
This workout is dedicated to Jacob Blake, 29, who was shot 7 times during an arrest by a police officer from the Kenosha Police Department on August 23, 2020, leaving him paralyzed.
The workout was created by Coach Julius Buzzard @jueleeuhs of Fox River Strength and Conditioning @foxriverstrength (North Aurora, IL, USA).
from wodwell.com
PEEK into the WEEK…
Tuesday- Gymnastics/ MU + HS
Wednesday- Hang squat cleans
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