9/11 Memorial WOD
For time:
400M Run
11 Box jumps, 30/24in
11 Thrusters, 125/85# (125 deaths at The Pentagon)
11 Burpee chest-to-bar Pull-ups
11 Power cleans, 175/125# (AA Flight #175, south tower)
11 Handstand push-ups
11 KBS, 70/53
11 Toes-to-bars
11 Deadlifts, 175/125# (175# = 77kg = Flight 77)
11 Push jerks, 110/75# (110 = number of floors in each tower)
400M Run
Scale suggestion:
Thruster: 95/65
Power Clean/ Deadlift: 135/95
Push Jerk: 85/55
Lite N Tite Option
400M Run
11 box jumps, 30/24in
11 DB thrusters per arm, 50/35
11 burpee to chest to bar pull ups
11 DB power cleans per arm, 50/35
11 handstand push-ups
11 KBS, 70/53
11 toes to bars
11 KB deadlifts, 70/53
11 DB push jerks per arm, 50/35
400M Run
PEEK into the WEEK…
Sunday- Cleans/ front squats
Monday- Push dominant (ring push-ups/ HSPU)
Tuesday- Snatch pulls
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