REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE.
JOIN US for the Halloween Partner WOD:
When: Sat, Oct 31 @ 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30. (Will add a 12:30 if needed)
Where: The field
– Partner format – male/male, female/female, or mixed gender
– Rx (L3) and Scaled (L1 or L2) divisions
– 1 partner per pair should sign up for a space on using the Zenplanner app (like you do for class) before 10/30/20.
– Each partner needs to stay at their own individual station during the WODs (Masks not necessary while at your station)
– Bring chairs and hang out away from class when not competing. Personal food and drinks are encouraged, but please remain socially distant – this is NOT a potluck
– Prizes for best costumes and overall best of the day
**This event is for members only. If you would like to bring a non-member who has CrossFit experience as a partner, please ask Alexis first.
**There will be NO OPEN GYM ON Oct 31. Open gym is on Sunday 11/1 @ 9:00/10:30 instead.
Part A:
Every 90 sec for 6 sets (9min)
2 Snatch Pulls @ 100%+
Part B:
10 min to find 1 rep max Power Snatch
Then, drop to 70% of that weight:
Part C:
Every 15 sec for 5 min
1 Power Snatch @ 70% max
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