WOD Blog

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Strength: 15 min to  work up to 60% of 1 RM Deadlift (or a heavy set of 8 if you don’t know your 1RM) Partner WOD: For time and for rounds+reps Offense/Defense- 4x each  Def: 400m run Off: AMRAP...

Strength: 8 Strict press Every 3 min for 5 sets Start @ 55% and increase from there as desired  WOD: 10-1 Toes-2-bar  Double DB Devils press 12 min cap Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 50/35 PEEK into the WEEK...

WOD Strength: Back Squat x 20 reps (week 3 of 4) Add 5-10 # from last week Accessory: 4 rounds for quality 10-15 back extensions 1 min weighted plank hold   Double KB Farmer carry walk, 100ft PEEK into the...

WOD: For time 60 Cal Row/Bike 50 Double Unders 400m run 30 Push-ups 20 Double DB Overhead lunges, 35/25 10 Bar MU (burpee pull-ups)  20 Double DB Overhead lunges 35/25 30 Push-ups 400 m run 50 Double Undres 60 Cal Bike/Row Indoor: row...

Strength: 15 min to complete 4 sets of  5 Halting Clean Pull (2 sec pause at knee) @ 75% + of 1 rm clean WOD: 12 Power Cleans, 135/95 12 Box Jumps (24/20") 9 Power Cleans, 135/95 12...

Strength: Turkish Get-up 4 x 1 per arm WOD: 2:30 on, 30 sec rest - 5 rounds 200m run buy-in Shoulder-to-overhead for reps in remaining time Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 125/85 Lv3: 155/105 PEEK into the WEEK...

A. Mobility -Lat foam rollx 90 sec per side -OH banded distraction -Banded lat pull-down -Banded rocking spider lunge x10 each leg B. Skill/ technique Every 2 min- 3 sets @ light: 3 BTN Push Press +...

FITNESS CLOTHING SWAP TODAY!bring clean and in good condition fitness wear including shoes, wraps, gear, and clothing that you don't use and find some treasures for your self! This is...

Strength/ Skill: Alternating for 5 sets -3 Snatch Pulls Start at 85% of 1 RM snatch and increase from there.  -5 Standing box jumps @ high WOD: for time 10-1 Sumo deadlift high pull 1-10 Bar facing...

Skill practice: Kipping handstand push-up -tri-pod/ headstand free and against wall -kick-up to HS on wall -HS on wall neg to headstand -tri-pod kick out to push-up -leg position for kipping -send it!  WOD: “Upside down Nicole” 20 min AMRAP 400m...