WOD Blog

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Regular Class Schedule for President's Day today! The 2017 CrossFit Open starts in 4 days! Are you signed up yet? Scaled and Rx WODs available (you decide which one to...

The 2017 CrossFit Open starts in 4 days! Are you signed up yet? Scaled and Rx WODs available (you decide which one to do later). We will be hosting the...

The 2017 CrossFit Open starts in 5 days! Are you signed up yet? Scaled and Rx WODs available (you decide which one to do later). We will be hosting the...

The 2017 CrossFit Open starts in 6 days! Are you signed up yet? Scaled and Rx WODs available (you decide which one to do later). We will be hosting the...

The 2017 CrossFit Open starts in 7 days! Are you signed up yet? Scaled and Rx WODs available (you decide which one to do later). We will be hosting the...

The 2017 CrossFit Open starts in 8 days! Are you signed up yet? Scaled and Rx WODs available (you decide which one to do later). We will be hosting the...

Strength: Strict Press Wendler wk 2 70% x3 80% x3 90% x Max Reps % based on 90% of 1RM WOD: 2 min AMRAP/2 min off 5 cycles 5 S2OH (increasing Weight ea. cycle) 10 T2B Lv1: 75/55, no...

Skill: 3x5 Seated box jumps @ high Strength: Back Squat Wendler wk 2 70% x3 80% x3 90% x Max Reps % based on 90% of 1RM WOD: 9-6-3 Squat Snatch 50 DU each round (3x) Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 115/75 Lv3:...

We are CLOSED this Saturday and Sunday for the CrossFit Level 2 Seminar! Feb Challenge test Day 3: 40 yard dash test (120 feet) WOD: for time 800m run 40 Back Rack Lunges 40 Sit-ups 800m run 30...