WOD Blog

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Come in costume to our Halloween Partner WOD next Saturday, Oct 29th @ 10am! Prizes for best costumes, pumpkin carving and beer! See more details on our facebook event page...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. Skill: Muscle Up Drills: 10 min (If you have unassisted ring dips and pull-ups) Swing Hips to...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. Strength: ALT EMOM 12 -7 Good Mornings -7 Ring Rows AHAP -30 sec Plank WOD: 12 min AMRAP 12 OH...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. Strength: 2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks E90 sec for 6rds WOD: 21-15-9 Row Cal Ground 2 Overhead Lv1: 65/45 Lv2:...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. 8:30 am Lite N Tite “DB Air Air Force” 30 Thrusters 30 2 arm swings 30 Push Press 30...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. WOD: "FGB" style- 4 cycles 1 min stations for reps Wall Balls 20/14 Push Press 75/55 Cal Row Box Jump...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. Strength: Deadlift 5 reps @ 78-80% Every 2.5 min for 5 sets WOD: 3rds for reps and time 800m...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. Strength A: Strict Press 5 reps @75-80% Every 2 min for 10 min Skill: Review Bear Complex Power...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. Strength A: 3 position Snatch (hip, above knee, below knee) Every 90 sec for 5 sets Strength B: Back...

Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina's CrossFit story here. Skill: Kipping HSPU technique and drills Lv3: practice free HSPU WOD: 18 min AMRAP 9 Box Jump overs 24/20 6...