WOD Blog

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Skill: Every 90 sec - 5 rounds Strict MU + 2 Kipping MU *assist as needed Scaled drills: 8 min AMRAP 20 sec False grip hold, 10-20 sec ring support hold, 5-10 Ring Dips 5-10...

Skill: Tall Split Jerk Drills (8-10 min) bar x 5 light weight x 4 little more weight x 3 x 3 Max Test: Push Press Work up to a heavy 1 rep. WOD: 2 min...

Skill: Tall Split Jerk Drills (8-10 min) bar x 5 light weight x 4 little more weight x 3 x 3 Max Test: Push Press Work up to a heavy 1 rep. WOD: 2 min...

Max Test: Back Squat Work up to a heavy 1 rep. Partner WOD: 21-15-9 DB Clusters *relay style (partner 1 does 21 clusters, then partner 2 does 21 clusters, one person works at a time) 6-4-2...

All classes on Saturday, July 9th will be held at Mission Creek Park. WODs, Volleyball and Potluck! Check out facebook event HERE Skill Test: Free Handstand hold Lv1: Wall *walking is OK* Strength: Every 90 sec HPC...

Strength: DL wendler wk3,c2 75%+10# x5 85%+10#x3 95%+10#x1+ WOD: *bring knee sleeves* Buy in- 75 sit ups 400 m walking lunge Cash out- 75 situps Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2016/July07/"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click...

Strength A: Every 90 sec for 6 sets Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch Strength B: Push Press wendler wk3,c2 75% + 5# x5 85% + 5# x3 95% + 5# x1+ WOD: 12 min AMRAP 3-6-9 Burpee Pull-ups Thrusters Lv1:...

Strength A: Every 90 sec for 6 sets Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch Strength B: Push Press wendler wk3,c2 75% + 5# x5 85% + 5# x3 95% + 5# x1+ WOD: 12 min AMRAP 3-6-9 Burpee Pull-ups Thrusters Lv1:...

Strength A: Every 90 sec for 6 sets Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat Strength B: Back Squat wendler wk3,c2 75% + 10# x5 85% + 10# x3 95% + 10# x1+ WOD: 4 rds for...