WOD Blog

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9am and 10am Class only! 11am Barbell Club WOD: “July 4, 1776” 7 rds: 4 HSPU 1 Rope Climb 7 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65 7 Push Press 95/65 6 C2B pull-ups 5 burpee EMOM interruption (start with burpees!) There is...

Warm/Skill: 5 min Max DU- Push-up Penalty for tripping Lv1: 3 Push-ups for DU/ 9 push-ups for SU Lv2: 6 Push-ups Lv3: 9 Push-ups WOD: 17 min AMRAP w/partner 80 Wall Balls 10 MU/ 20 Pull-ups 80 Cal row *Share...

9:30 and 10:30 am Regular CrossFit Strength: Snatch DL 5x3 @ 90-110% of SN 1 RM WOD: Buy-in 1 min L-sit hold on parallettes or rings Then, 21-15-9 OHS Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20" Then, Cash out: 1 min L-sit...

Strength: -Off rack OK- a) EMOM 4 3 Push Press Rest 2 min b) EMOM 5 2 Push Jerks Rest 2 min c) EMOM 6 1 Split Jerk WOD: 12 min AMRAP Ascending Ladder 2,4,6...

Strength: -Off rack OK- a) EMOM 4 3 Push Press Rest 2 min b) EMOM 5 2 Push Jerks Rest 2 min c) EMOM 6 1 Split Jerk WOD: 12 min AMRAP Ascending Ladder 2,4,6...

Warm-up: Med Ball Battle Teams: 8 rds 30 on/30 off For most med balls on your team’s side -can carry as many as possible -3 burpee penalty for dropping ball Strength: Back Squat Wendler wk 2,c2 70% +10 x3 80% +10...

Skill: Kipping HSPU Drills (15 min) -tripod -tripod to pushup -tripod to extended plank -handstand to headstand -headstand to kick up to wall (with partner) Advanced athletes- work on free standing HSPU w/ partner Benchmark WOD: “Nate” 20 min AMRAP 2...

Warm-up: 200 m run Partner "junk yard dog" part 1 200 m run Partner "junk yard dog" part 2 -Dynamic stretching WOD: Partner relay for time (14 min cap): 500-400-300-200m Row -One partner rows a set, then the...

Skill: BB warm up and BTN Jerk Drills Strength: A. EMOM 5 Behind the Neck Jerk for quality- land in a lockout 3-2-2-1-1 B. Push Press Wendler wk 2,c2 70% +5# x 3 80% +5# x 3 90% +5# x...

9:30am and 10:30 am Regular CrossFit PRIDE WOD: Power Clean x50 (95/65) Run 400m (100 m laps) Isabel- 30 Snatches (95/65) Double under x 200 Every min 4 burpees Lv1: 65/45, 300 singles, 1 burpee emom Lv2:...