WOD Blog

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Will you please take 2 mins to fill out this survey for our Mobility Class. Thank you! Drills: Tall jerks w/ PVC and bar STRENGTH: Pause Jerks Wendler wk 4 % based...

Will you please take 2 mins to fill out this survey for our Mobility Class. Thank you! STRENGTH: 1 ¼ Front Squats Wendler wk 4 % based on 90% of 1RM...

Will you please take 2 mins to fill out this survey for our Mobility Class. Thank you! Skill: Handstand Push-ups drills STRENGTH: Snatch Grip DL Wendler wk 4 % based on 90% of...

STRENGTH: Floor Press Wendler wk 4 % based on 90% of 1RM of Bench Press Deload week x5 @ 40% x5 @ 50% x5 @ 60% WOD: 8 rounds for speed 2 Burpees 4 Push Ups 6 Air Squats Sprint...

STRENGTH: Pause Back Squat Wendler wk 4 % based on 90% of 1RM Deload week x5 @ 40% x5 @ 50% x5 @ 60% WOD: Open 13.3 12 min AMRAP 150 WB “Karen” 90 DU 30 MU 20# @10’ 14# @9’ [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/feb/02"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't...

Burgerner Warm-up STRENGTH: 15 mins to Find a heavy 1 rep Snatch. -Must land in a lock out for it to count!!! WOD: Open 12.2 10 min AMRAP 30 Snatch @75/45 30 Snatch @135/75 30 Snatch @...

Have you signed up for the Beyond the Whiteboard Challenge yet? No? What's That? One week left to sign-up. For more info, click here Strength: Make-up Wendler Week 3 % based on 90%...

Have you signed up for the Beyond the Whiteboard Challenge yet? No? What's That? One week left to sign-up. For more info, click here Strength a): Strict Press Wendler Week 3 % based...

Have you signed up for the Beyond the Whiteboard Challenge yet? No? What's That? One week left to sign-up. For more info, click here Strength a): Front Squat Wendler Week 3 %...

Have you signed up for the Beyond the Whiteboard Challenge yet? No? What's That? One week left to sign-up. For more info, click here Strength: Deadlift Wendler Week 3 % based on...