WOD Blog

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Skill: 1 set of each MU skills of the week (12 min) 1. Kipping MU transition Drill 2x5 2. Jumping MU Transition 2x5 3. Swing Hip to Rings with false grip hold 4. Ring...

BRING TALL SOCKS OR WEAR LONG PANTS TODAY Warm: 1x 800 m run 5 dip shrugs 5 high pulls 5 HPC 5 FS 5 HSC 20 BS 1x: Spider lunge 5 hip circles 10 K2E 10 Scap pull-ups Strength: Back Squat 8...

CFPH's Clean Break Barbell Club with Coaches Victor Pimentel and Eugenio Aleman starts today at 7:30pm! First class is free. See our CBBC webpage for more details. WOD: Wednesday, July...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/21-7/27/14 1. Kipping MU transition Drill 2x5 2. Jumping MU Transition...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/21-7/27/14 1. Kipping MU transition Drill 2x5 2. Jumping MU Transition...

The winning name for Thursday's WOD "Name this WOD" is "Paddy Melt" - submitted by Patrick and Mac. Brilliant! WOD: Sunday, July 20 Strength: work up to 70-75% 1RM Jerk and do...

Today is the launch party for the brand new Throwdown phone app! Come to regular class WODs (9:30 and 10:30am) to be entered into a raffle for a $50 certificate...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/14-7/20/14 1. Kipping MU transition Drill 2x5 2. Jumping MU Transition...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/14-7/20/14 1. Kipping MU transition Drill 2x5 2. Jumping MU Transition...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/14-7/20/14 1. Kipping MU transition Drill 2x5 2. Jumping MU Transition...