27 Apr WOD- Saturday, April 28
8:30 am Lite N Tite
Alt EMOM 30
-Split Squats x 5 each leg
-Seated DB Shoulder Press (on floor, legs out in front) x 10
-Ring Rows x 8
-Box Jumps x 7 @ high (34/30)
-Wall Walks x2
-RKBS x 10 (70/53)
9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit
Age Online Qualifier #3
20 min AMRAP
50 Wall-balls 20/14 @ 10ft/9ft
100 DUs
50-ft HS walk
100 DUs
50 Cal Row
100 DUs
50-ft HS walk
100 DUs
Scaled: 5 wall walks, 50 DUs
See the weekly program skeleton HERE.
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