06 Jul WOD- Saturday, July7
8:30am Lite N Tite
Kneeling Filly Press 5×8
Super set with 10 hollow rocks (5x)
20 min running clock
Buy-in Together:
50 burpees over plank (share burpees)
800 m Run (together)
Then Relay* AMRAP:
20 Unbroken DU*
20 Single arm thrusters (50/35)
*For the relay, one partner does an entire round while the other rests and keep switching until 20 min is up
Lv1: 20 hops over DB, 25/15
Lv2: DU, 35/25
9:30 and 10:30am CrossFit Class
Push Jerk E2M
5×2 (start at 85% and increase as desired)
Partner WOD:
20 min running clock
Buy-in Together:
50 burpees over plank (share burpees)
800 m Run (together)
Then Relay* AMRAP:
20 Unbroken DU*
20 Single arm thrusters (50/35)
*For the relay, one partner does an entire round while the other rests and keep switching until 20 min is up
Lv1: 20 hops over DB, 25/15
Lv2: DU, 35/25
See week program skeleton here.
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