29 Jun WOD- Saturday, June 29
8:30am Lite n Tite
10 min AMRAP
50/40 cal bike Buy-in then,
DB clusters for reps (35/25)
Rest 3 min
10 min AMRAP
50/40 cal row Buy-in then
10 BJ overs
10 DB Snatch (50/35)
Rest 3 min
10 min AMRAP
Run 1200m run buy-in then,
Ring MU/ burpee pull-ups for reps
9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit
Challenge of the Month re-test
(10 min)
-Max height standing box jump
-Max distance broad jump
Every 90 Sec
Power Snatch + OHS 3×2
Snatch 5×1
(12 min)
Benchmark WOD:
30 Snatches
Lv1: 75/55
Lv2: 105/70
Lv3: 135/95
*7 min cap*
See week program skeleton here.
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