08 Jun WOD- Saturday, June 9
8:30am Lite N Tite
Skill:Team broad jump wars
5rds for time
1 sled push or 4 tire flips
10 DB Push Press (pick load)
15 Jumping pull-ups
20 Sit-ups
25 Air squat
9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit
Strict Press 4×10 E3M
Start at 60% and increase as desired.
Partner WOD:
Part A: 8 min for both partners to find a 1 heavy rep of S2OH (from rack)- share a bar
Rest 4 min then,
Part B:
8 min AMRAP
12/10 cal Row
8 Thrusters 125/85
Partner 1 rows while Partner 2 holds bar on shoulders (front or back rack OK). As soon as P1 finishes the row, then P2 performs 8 thrusters. P2 then goes to row and P1 holds bar on shoulders. Repeat switching positions.
***when 1 partner completes 8 thrusters that counts as 1 round***
See the weekly program skeleton HERE.
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