30 Mar WOD- Saturday, March 31
Today we will be celebrating the life of a dear member of CFPH, Fernando Nava. On Monday, March 18, 2018, Fernando was found by his family unresponsive in his bed. His cause of death is still unknown, but what is known that his presence in the box is greatly missed. Fernando lived right up the hill and would run to class, crush everyone on all the metcon/ running WODs, and then run up De Haro home! If you have had the pleasure of WODing with Fernando you would know that he is fast, so today we will try to be fast like Fernando.
All our classes our free today, and all levels and non-members are welcome. Instead of paying for class, donate to Fernando’s memorial charity! Fernando had a dog and loved animals, therefore all of the funds raised will go to Muttville- a local dog rescue in the mission.
And, as Fernando would, wear your best cut-off gym tee!
8:30 am Lite N Tite, 9:30am and 10:30am CrossFit
30 min AMRAP
18 Pull-ups
18 Wall Balls (20/14)
18 Burpees
200 m run at the top of every 3 min
(Start with run)
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