12 Oct WOD- Saturday, October 13th
Shoulder Pain Seminar with Dr. Joe today at 11:30am! Click here for details.
8:30 am Lite N Tite
Rope Climbs
1 min max RC/ 1 min rest- 4x
Lv3: legless
Lv2: with legs
Lv1: rope walks
Partner WOD:
1200M run
80 DB DL
40 OH DB Lunge
800m run
60 DB DL
30 OH DB Lunge
400m run
40 DB DL
20 OH DB Lunge
Lv1: 25/15
Lv2: 35/25
Lv3: 50/35
*share as desired
*run together
*24 min cap
9:30 and 10:30am CrossFit
Wendler Make-Up (18MIN)
Back Squat, Strict Press, or Deadlift
Week 1
take 90% of 1 RM then,
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x Max reps
Partner WOD:
1200M run
80 DL
40 OH BB Lunge
800m run
60 DL
30 OH BB Lunge
400m run
40 DL
20 OH BB Lunge
Lv1: 75/50
Lv2: 95/65
Lv3: 125/85
*Share as desired
*Run together
*24 min cap
See week program skeleton HERE.
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