11 Jul WOD- Thursday, July 12
Skill: (10 min)
Ring MU Drills
-hip to rings
-ring supports/ drops
Granite Games Qualifier #5
2 Rounds:
6 Ring Muscle Ups
12 Deadlifts (225lb/155lb)
18 Box Jump Overs (24”/20?)
2 Rounds:
4 Ring Muscle Ups
8 Deadlifts (315lb/205lb)
12 Box Jump Overs (24”/20?)
2 Rounds:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Deadlifts (365lb/235lb)
8 Box Jump Overs (24”/20?)
Lv1: Pull-ups/
Men will use 135 lb., 185lb., and 225lb. with a 24? box
Women will use 95 lb., 125lb., and 155lb. with a 20? box
Lv2: C2B pull-ups/
Men will use 185 lb., 275lb., and 315lb. with a 24? box
Women will use 125 lb., 185lb., and 215lb. with a 20? box
Lv3: Ring MU/
Men will use 225 lb., 315lb., and 365lb. with a 24? box
Women will use 155 lb., 205lb., and 235lb. with a 20? box
See week program skeleton HERE.
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