16 Jul WOD- Tuesday, July 17
Every 5 min for 7 rounds:
9/7 cal bike/ski/row
6 weighted Pistols
3 Thrusters
1 50ft Handstand Walk / 3 Wall Walks
Lv1: 95/65
Lv2: 30/20, 125/85
Lv3: 50/35, 155/105
-Hold kb/db goblet style for weighted pistols (3 each leg)
-Switch up which machine you use for each round. (Find someone to pair with to share bikes/row/ski)
-5 min to do one round, if finished before 5 min is up, rest the remainder of the time.
6pm Lite N Tite
Pistols 5×10
20 min AMRAP
200 m MB Run
20 Russian Twists w/ MB
10 Medicine Ball Cleans
10 Push-ups (hands on MB)
10 MB sit-ups
(Week Program skeleton coming soon)
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