21 May WOD- Tuesday, May 22
WOD: CrossFit Regionals Event 5
For time:
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes-to-bars
50-cal. Assault Bike/ Row
50 dumbbell box step-overs
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
M 70-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box, 17-min. time cap
F 50-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box, 22-min. time cap
2 rounds for time/ 22 min cap
25 handstand push-ups
25 toes-to-bars
25-cal. Assault Bike/Row
25 dumbbell box step-overs
25-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
25-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
Lv1: 25/15
Lv2: 35/25
Lv3: 50/35
6pm Lite N Tite:
5 min AMRAP
5 Burpee
10 DB Clean
3 min Rest
6 min AMRAP
10 Box Jump
10 DB Thurster
3 min Rest
7 min AMRAP
5 Burpee box jump
10 DB Cluster
Couch stretch
Tabata Hollow Rocks
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