17 Jul WOD- Wednesday, July 18
Strength A:
Hang Clean
(Start @ 65-70% and increase from there)
Strength B:
Wendler Back Squat*
Week 1 (10 min)
% based on 90% of 1RM
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x Max Reps
*This is our first week of the “Wendler 5-3-1” strength cycle. We will be doing it for back squat, push press, and deadlift. It will be important to keep track of the weights you do each week, and how many reps you get in the last set. We will do this for 2 cycles (6 weeks) before testing 1 rep max.
3rds for time
50 Sit-ups
25 DB Power Clean
Lv1: 25/15
Lv2: 35/25
LV3: 50/35
See week program skeleton HERE.
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