05 Jun WOD- Tuesday, June 6
Announcement!! We now have a 4pm CrossFit Class Monday, Wednesday and Friday! This is in addition to our newest classes at 1pm M-F!! Check out our complete schedule HERE.
Pull-up technique: kipping/butterfly
June Challenge: Find Max unbroken Pull-ups (anyhow)
Hero WOD:
“Felix the Cat”
6rds for time
9 Burpees
9 Box Jumps
9 Pull-ups
9 Thrusters (95/65)
9 Toes to bar
*30 min Cap
“British Tribute WOD: For all the RLC EOD operators who expended their 9 lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. Between them they defused 100’s of Explosive devices, saving countless lives. Gaz O’Donnel G.M., Dan Shepherd G.C., Oz Schmid G.C., Dan Read Q.G.M., Brett Linley G.M., Lisa Head. The RLC EOD left Afghanistan on the 26 October 2014.”
6pm Lite N Tite
Single Leg DL w/ KB/DBs
Super set w/ 15 hollow rocks
15 min AMRAP
15 Box Jumps
20 Sit-ups
30 DB Snatch
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