WOD- Friday, Aug 8

SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS – Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU.
1. HS hold against wall, 2×30 sec
2. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3×5
3. Tripod to headstand against wall 2×8

WOD: Friday, Aug 8


    Romanian DL
    (not touching the floor)

WOD: “Farmer Chipper”

    500m Row
    5 Farmer Carry 50 ft single barbell
    40 Goblet Squats
    4 Farmer Carry 50ft single barbell
    30 Weighted Sit-ups with KB
    3 Farmer Carry 50ft single barbell
    400m run
    4 Farmer Carry 50 ft single barbell
    50 KBS
    5 Farmer Carry single barbell

    Lv1: 25/18 KB, 75/55 barbell
    Lv2: 35/25 KB, 95/65 barbell
    Lv3: 53/35 KB, 115/75 barbell

WOD Prep with Yasmen:– how to prepare your body for the WOD

    1. T-spine smash
    2. Forearm Ball Smash

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