23 Sep WOD- Saturday, Sept 24
Come watch Coach Alexis, Coach Marciano and Captain Colombo compete at the Lalanne Fitness Throwdown today! 9am-2pm.
8:30 am Lite n Tite
Handstand hold practice
20 min AMRAP
10 renegade rows
15 OH sit ups w/ plate (35/15)
20 DB thrusters
25 Pull-ups/ Jumping Pull-ups (no bands)
30 Box Jumps
35 2 arm DB swing
40 DUs/ 120 Singles
9:30 am and 10:30 am Regular CrossFit
Partner Handstand holds. 8 min Practice
Take turns holding each other in a handstand, aiding to find the balancing point. Hollow shoulders.
Every 90 sec for 6 rds:
6 strict T2B
12 shoulder taps (scale with pike on box)
Wall Walk
10 Box Jump Overs each round
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