17 Nov WOD- Friday, Nov 18
4 sets
Ring Rows x 8 @ hard and heavy
BB Box step ups x 5 each leg (back rack)
Partner WOD:
(Borrowed from the competition Pilgrims and Pumpkins, that we have 2 teams representing CFPH in!)
3 Minute AMRAP
Max rep Deadlifts
Lv1: 95/65
Lv2: 165/115
Lv3: 225/155
3 minute AMRAP
Max rep bar facing burpees
**both members start behind the tape line (20 feet away). At the command of go one partner will run to the bar and begin deadlifts. To rotate you must run back and tag your partner. Rotate as often as you want. Same rotation for burpees. You will transition from deadlifts directly into burpees. All burpees are bar facing, you must have full hip extension. Your score is the combined reps of both movements.
3 min weighted plank hold 5 min cap
Lv1: 25/15
Lv2: 35/25
Lv3: 45/35
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