20 Nov WOD- Monday, Nov 21
Thanksgiving Week Schedule:
Thursday, Nov 24- Thanksgiving day WOD @ 10am ONLY
Friday, Nov 25- day after WOD @ 11am ONLY
Strict Press
5 every 2 min for 10 min @~75-80%
Death by weight
90 sec on/ 30 sec rest
7 Toes-to-bar
5 Shoulder-to-overhead
*Weight increases every interval
You have 90 sec to do 7 T2B and 5 S2OH (from floor). 30 sec rest btwn intervals
Starting weights:
Lv1: 65/55- increase by 5# each round
Lv2: 95/65- increase by 5# each round
Lv3: 135/85- increase by 10# each round
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