11 Jan WOD- Thursday, Jan 12
Announcement!- 6 week Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 21st. Schedule your Body Composition test here with Fitness Wave NorCal. Hurry! Spaces will fill up! See more details about the Paleo Challenge HERE.
Deadlift Wendler wk 1- cycle 2
65% + 10# x 5
75% + 10# x 5
85% + 10# x 5+
%based on 90% of 1 RM
90 sec Stations for reps/ 15 sec rotation time,
3 rounds
-Tire Flip
-Sled Push 40ft
-Assault Bike
-Strict Pull-ups
(can have 2 sets of pairs at each station)
*Tire flip can be done together if it is too heavy
*work is not shared for assault bike and pull-ups
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