11 Aug WOD- Saturday, Aug 12
8:30am Lite N Tite
Warm: Bring sally up- air squats
Skill: Rope climb technique
Partner 18 min AMRAP
4 Rope Climbs/ 8 rope walks
20 DBall over shoulder
20 Burpee Box jump overs
one partner works at a time, share work as desired
Finisher: tabata hollow rocks
9:30 and 10:30am Regular CrossFit
Wendler Make-up- 15 min total
pick one:
Back Squat, Push Press or Deadlift
Week 1, Cycle 2
take 90% of 1 RM then:
65%+ 10# x 5
75%+ 10# x 5
85%+ 10# x MR
(Hint: Back squat week 2, cycle 2 is Monday)
Partner WOD:
18 min AMRAP
12 tire flip buy-in
12 Power Cleans
36 Wall balls @ heavy
200 m MB carry (both run, one carries)
Lv1: 85/55
Lv2: 135/95
Lv3: 185/125, 30/20
*one partner works at a time, share work as desired
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