02 Dec WOD – Monday, December 3rd
5-8 Min Bike/Row @ Moderate Effort
2 X 10- 15 Reps of The Following:
-Leg Swings
-Medball Cleans
-Fire Hydrants (each side)
-Alt Single Legs V-Ups
-Banded Side Steps (each side)
5 Min Banded Hip/Ankle Mobility Prep
1 Rep Max Back Squat *25 Min
Suggested Build:
30-50% X 8-10 Reps
60-70% X 4-6 Reps
70-85% X 1-3 Reps
85% + X 1 Rep
*Be sure to rest 2-3 Min between your 85% + sets
Box Jump Over 24/20
Wall Balls 20/14
*8 Min Cap
Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard
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