CrossFit – Sun, Jun 16

Potrero Hill – CrossFit

Memorial WOD: ViperSS 47 (Time)

For Time:

47 DUs

200m Farmers carry 50/35

47 Back squats 45/35

47 Front squats 45/35

47 OHS 45/35

500m Row

47 Strict Press 45/35

47 Push Press 45/35

47 Push Jerks 45/35

200m Farmers Carry 50/35

47 KBS 53/35

47 Hang Pwr Cleans 45/35

47 Hang Power Snatch 45/35

500m Row

47 Double Unders

Scale= 27 reps of everything.
We are doing this WOD in solidarity with Shipyard CrossFit of Alameda, in honor of their “forever” Coach, Steve Southrey, who recently passed away.

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