CrossFit – Mon, Jul 22

Potrero Hill, South Park – CrossFit

Handstand Practice

-kicking to wall

-holding on wall

-free standing

-wall facing shoulder taps

-handstand walking

Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (Time)

For Time:

1 wall walk

10 double-unders

3 wall walks

30 double-unders

6 wall walks

60 double-unders

9 wall walks

90 double-unders

15 wall walks

150 double-unders

21 wall walks

210 double-unders

Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54) click here

Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Time)

For time:

1 scaled wall walk

10 single-unders

3 scaled wall walks

30 single-unders

6 scaled wall walks

60 single-unders

9 scaled wall walks

90 single-unders

15 scaled wall walks

150 single-unders

21 scaled wall walks

210 single-unders

Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Scaled (Ages 16-54) click here

Week Preview

Tues- Heavy DL metcon

Wed- Run/ Pull-up

Thurs- chest/ shoulder + lunge

Fri- OHS

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