CrossFit – Sat, Aug 10

Potrero Hill, South Park – CrossFit

Partner WOD (3 Rounds for reps)


8 min AMRAP

Bike 15/10 Cal

Power Cleans 135/95, max reps

2 min rest


8 min AMRAP

Ski 15/10 cal

DBl DB OH lunges, max reps

2 min rest


8 min AMRAP

100 ft Sled push

Shuttle run, 25ft for max reps

For each AMRAP, switch after partner completes the reps of the bike, ski, or run

score = total reps of the PC, Lunge, Sled
Lv1: 95/65, 25/15

Lv2: 115/75, 35/25

Lv3: 135/95, 50/35

Week Preview

Sun- Row/ Dip/ OHS

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