CrossFit – Wed, Dec 11

Potrero Hill, South Park – CrossFit

Tempo Push Press (4 x 4
3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat.
Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )

WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

8 min AMRAP, increasing ladder

2, 4, 6… adding 2 reps every round

Push Press

Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Lv1: 65/56

Lv2: 95/65

Lv3: 115/75

Scale to banded C2B or jumping C2B

Week Preview

Thurs- Power clean + Row

Fri- Long bodyweight chipper

Sat- Single leg squat

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