11 Jun WOD- Thursday, June 12
WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to mobilize for the WOD:
1. T-spine smash
2. Tricep Extension Smash
3. Trailing Leg Hip Extension
Strength: Overhead
25 min, rest 2 min between working sets:
Push Press 3×3
Push Jerk 3×2
Split Jerk 3×1
Strength/ Skill: Alternating EMOM-12 min
2 Front Squat @ 85-90%
5-10 Strict T2B
Strict Toes 2 Bar Levels:
LV1- knees above hips (strict)
LV2- knees to armpits/ elbows
LV3- Kipping T2B
LV4- Strict T2B
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