06 Jul WOD- Monday, July 7
Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups!
Week 7/7-7/13/14
1. Banded MU transition 2×5
2. Kipping MU transition Drill 2×5
3. Ring Dips 3×5-10/ Modify with Ring Supports (no bands!)
4. False Grip Hang 2x 10-20sec
WOD- Monday, July 7
Strength- rotate between the two:
Bulgarian Split Squats 3×10-15
Lv1+2= db/kb
Lv3 = barbell
Bent Over Barbell Row 3×10-15
*find a heavy weight and do 3 sets at that weight.
WOD: 8 rounds-
90 sec interval/ 30 sec rest
14 db/kb Snatch
40 ft Farmer Carry for reps
*one hand carry only
*3 burpee penalty on the spot for dropping mid- carry
*cannot switch hands mid carry, only after completed a 40ft distance
Lv1: 35/25
Lv2: 45/35
Lv3: 62/45
WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to prepare your body for the WOD:
1. Forearm Ball Smash
2. Shoulder Opener with Lacrosse Ball
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