18 Oct WOD- Sunday, Oct 19
WOD Prep with Yasmen: How to prep your body for the WOD
Skill: Agility
Ladder routine for time-3 attempts post average time
-bunny hops down and back
-one foot hops down and back
-side in and outs down and back
-side plank walk down and back
*must hit each square
*+1 sec everytime ladder is touched…PRECISION!
WOD: “Stackin Up” (2014 Masters Games)
Row 1000m then,
5 rds
20 Pull-ups
7 Shoulder to Overhead
Lv1: 10 Pull-ups, 75/45
LV2: 15 pull-ups, 115/65
LV3: 20 pull-ups, 135/95
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