29 Jan WOD- Friday Jan 30
Have you signed up for the Beyond the Whiteboard Challenge yet? No? What’s That? One week left to sign-up. For more info, click here
Strength a): Strict Press
Wendler Week 3
% based on 90% of 1RM
x5 @ 75%
x3 @ 85%
xmr @ 95%
This is our final week and the heaviest of the Wendler 5-3-1 strength cycle. Please take the time to read about it. The lifts will be the same each day. It is important to keep track of your numbers for this. If you do not know your 1 rep max of the lifts, then take some time at World Gym or Open Gym to find it!
Next week is de-load week and then we will be doing our final MAX outs Feb 9th, 11th, and 13th.
WOD: 11 min AMRAP
Buy-in: 25 Over/unders
8 Push Press
8 C2B
Lv1: 16 Jumping Pull-ups, 65/35
Lv2: 8 Pull-ups, 95/65
Lv3: 8 C2B, 115/75
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