WOD- Sunday, Feb 8

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Skill Drills: Muscle-Up

    2 rds (15 mins)
    5 Swing Hip to Rings
    5 Ring Supports
    5 Kipping MU transition Drill

WOD: 3 rds with a varied reps each round

    800-400-200m run
    Ring Dips
    Hang Power Clean
    Lv1: 65/35 push-ups
    Lv2: banded, 75/55
    Lv3: 115/75

1RM Testing Schedule:
Back Squat and Bench Press- Monday 2/9
Deadlift- Wednesday 2/11
Front Squat and Strict Press- Friday 2/12
**If you want to know your true maxes, take a rest day, the day before each test.

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