24 Jun PRIDE WOD- Saturday, June 25
9:30am and 10:30 am Regular CrossFit
Power Clean x50 (95/65)
Run 400m (100 m laps)
Isabel- 30 Snatches (95/65)
Double under x 200
Every min 4 burpees
Lv1: 65/45, 300 singles, 1 burpee emom
Lv2: 75/55, 100 DU, 3 burpee emom
Lv3: 95/65, 200 DU, 4 burpee emom
9am Lite N Tite
Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
40 Sit-ups
30 Medicine ball cleans, 20 pound ball
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
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