27 Jun WOD- Tuesday, July 28
200 m run
Partner “junk yard dog” part 1
200 m run
Partner “junk yard dog” part 2
-Dynamic stretching
Partner relay for time (14 min cap):
500-400-300-200m Row
-One partner rows a set, then the next partner rows the same set
-One rower per partner
Strength A:
Snatch BB warm-up
EMOM for 5 min
Snatch (increase weight)
Then, 6 min to find a heavy 1 rep snatch
Strength B:
Deadlift Wendler wk 2,c2
70% +10# x 3
80% +10# x 3
90% +10# x MR
% based on 90% of 1rm
6pm Lite N Tite
Baby Chief
3 min AMRAP
3 heavy DB thruster
6 push ups
9 air squats
Rest 1min
Repeat 5 cycles
Keep score of each cycle
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