02 Feb Athlete of the Month- February!
Every month we profile one CFPH athlete based on goals achieved, spirit, and all around AWESOMENESS!
Presenting February’s Athlete of the Month: Kimberly Stevenson!
Kim joined CFPH right in the middle of our move to 175 De Haro. This past year, we have seen her really step up her game by committing to learn the barbell lifts, tracking her workouts and staying consistent (not to mention she got her kipping pull-ups down!). She always comes in with a smile on her face, and frequents our weekend events! She is also participating in our Paleo Challenge right now, and this will be her second time signing up for the CrossFit Open! Check out what she has to say about CrossFit below.
1) When did you start CrossFitting and how did you get into it?
I started in May of 2013 mostly tagging along with my husband as something active we could do together. I don’t know that I really fully committed to it for the first year I was a member. When I started a new job in San Jose in August of 2014 I knew I needed accountability to stay consistent so I started weekly 1:1 training with Alexis. This more than solidified my love of CrossFit and now there’s no turning back!
2) What do you like to do outside of CrossFit?
Outside of CrossFit my favorite thing to do is taking our dog (Barry, a frequent weekend class attendee) to the beach and parks. Playing soccer, everything Giants related, and dancing lindy hop are close to the top of the list. I also love my job teaching Kindergarten and love spending my summers working at a high sierra lake driving boats & going for hikes.
3) How did CrossFit change your life?
I actually know what to do with a barbell! Aside from that I grew up playing soccer so CrossFit has really made me reliant on my own capabilities and increased my ability to test my own limits rather than only being familiar with working on a team. Additionally I’m now in better overall shape than I’ve been for most of my life and feel stronger when playing in soccer games and am running the fastest mile time that I can remember ever running.
4) Would you rather, do “Diane” Hungover or the “De Haro Hustle” wearing a resistance chute in 60 mph winds?
I would rather do the De Haro Hustle with a chute because that just sounds like it would end hilariously.
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