04 Oct Athlete of the Month- October 2016!
The CFPH athlete that we are proud to feature this month is…
Martina “Tina” Tran!
The coaches want to recognize Tina for all her hard work she puts in at our Box as well as always coming in with a smile to cheer you up! She takes full advantage of what we have to offer and we love that! You can find her at CrossFit WODs, Barbell Club, Mobility sessions, and Lite N Tite! We have seen her rehab herself back from an injury and always staying positive through the process (which we know is hard to do). Now she is competing in the CrossFit Team Series with Chris, Adam and Marciano! Here what Tina has to say about her experience with CrossFit:
1) When did you start CrossFitting and how did you get into it?
- I started CrossFitting at the end of 2012 when I was trying to prepare myself for Tough Mudder. I had no fitness background except the occasional Planet Fitness visits which consisted of 30 minutes on the treadmill so my friends recommended I try a CrossFit class with them to build some strength. I’ve been hooked ever since.
2) What do you like to do outside of CrossFit?
- Outside of CrossFit I spend most of my days fighting gum disease at work as a dental hygienist which I love. I also love exploring new places and eating. I am definitely someone who will travel for food.
3) How did CrossFit change your life?
- Once I started CrossFiting it changed my life because I was doing something that I looked forward to daily that was challenging, fun, and healthy. CrossFit helped me move into the direction of a healthier lifestyle, I made healthier food choices and became more aware of how physical activity was so important. I incorporated this into my daily work life, often chatting with patients not only about their oral health but also their overall health. CrossFit also made me stronger physically so I was actually able to lift my own luggage into the overhead bin on the airplane when I traveled solo, something I was never able to do before. I’ve also met some amazing people and made new friends through the CrossFit community.
4) What is your favorite benchmark WOD and why?
- My favorite benchmark WOD is Cindy. It was the first benchmark WOD that I was able to do pull ups Rx in which gave me such a sense of accomplishment. I never had much upper body strength and never even thought I could ever do a pull up. I remember working with each band slowly until suddenly I was able to do a pull up without a band…more than once! It was pretty awesome.
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