Potrero Hill - CrossFitFreestanding Handstand Push-up (Skill/ Practice: -Headstand -Handstand (wall facing) -Free HS -Wall facing HSPU -Free HSPU)WOD (Time)3 rounds for time: 25 GHD sit-ups 50ft Handstand WalkScaled (Time)3 rounds for time 25 V-ups or Sit-ups 30 Shoulder tapsWeek PreviewMon- OHS/ Row Tues- RMU/ Box jump/ Pistol Wed- Clean and Jerk Thurs- Monostructural intervals/ mobility...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time)5 Rounds for Time 10 Deadlifts 400m Run Lv1: 135/95 Lv2: 185/125 Lv3: 225/155Week PreviewSun- Abs/ Handstands Mon- OHS/ Row Tues- RMU/ Box jump/ Pistol Wed- Clean and Jerk Thurs- Monostructural intervals/ mobility...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitCrossFit Games Open 25.2 (22.3 Repeat) Rx'd: (Ages 16-54) (Time) For time: 21 pull-ups 42 double-unders 21 thrusters (weight 1) 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups 36 double-unders 18 thrusters (weight 2) 15 bar muscle-ups 30 double-unders 15 thrusters (weight 3) Time cap: 12 minutes* F: 65 lb (29kg), then 75 lb (34kg), then...

AnnouncementsNew Open Gym HoursMondays & Tuesdays 3pm at CFPHPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (3 Rounds for reps) Tabata: 20 sec on/ 10 sec off- 8 rds of each Row or ski rest 2 min Bike cal rest 2 min Side shuffle runs, 15 ft ...

AnnouncementsNew Open Gym HoursMondays & Tuesdays 3pm at CFPHPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (7 Rounds for weight)Alternating EMOM 14 Odd mins- 2 Touch-and-go Snatch (any style) Even min- 3-5 Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-upWeek PreviewThurs- Monostructural conditioning Fri- CF Open 25.2 Sat- TBD...

AnnouncementsNew Open Gym HoursMondays & Tuesdays 3pm at CFPHPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the MonthFreestanding Handstand Push-up (Find a max set or 1 rep at hardest progression)1-Mile Run (Time)Max Effort 1-Mile RunWeek PreviewWed- Snatch/ Strict Pull-ups Thurs- Monostructural conditioning Fri- CF Open 25.2 Sat- TBD...

AnnouncementsNew Open Gym HoursMondays & Tuesdays 3pm at CFPHPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time)For Time: 21-15-9 Push Press Box Jumps, 24/20" Russian KBS Lv1: 65/45, 35/18 Lv2: 75/55, 44/25 Lv3: 95/65, 53/35 8 min capWeek PreviewTues- Challenge of the Month: HSPU/ Mile test Wed- Snatch/ Strict Pull-ups Thurs- Monostructural conditioning Fri- CF Open 25.2 Sat- TBD...

Potrero Hill - CrossFitWOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)10 min AMRAP 1,2,3… Ring Muscle Up 100m runScaled Option (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)10 min AMRAP 2,4,6… Box Dips 2,4,6… Ring Rows 100m run...